New Diploma to help professionals in the franchise sector
As franchising continues to drive strong growth in the small business sector, the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) – in partnership with Multiple Coaching Services (HAYS) – today launched their new Diploma of Franchising course at HAYS International College in Box Hill, Melbourne.
“This nationally recognised franchise qualification is a big step in the right direction for the Australian Franchise sector,” said Steve Wright, Executive Director of the Franchise Council of Australia.
“The FCA is driven to ensure everyone working in the sector has the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve their goals. This Diploma has been updated by some of the best minds in the sector and is poised to be the number one qualification for people looking to make their mark in Australian franchising.
“In testing economic times, there can be a temptation to pull back from learning and development.The existence of quality learning and development opportunities such as this Diploma are a good indicator of business health within a sector. In addition to opportunities for individuals, they also provide great opportunities for businesses to foster staff development and retention.
” Geoff McDonnell, CEO Multiple Coaching Services" said the course would provide “practical and affordable learning outcomes that can be applied the very next day.”
The Diploma of Franchising is a 12 week ‘face-to-face’ course covering essential learning outcomes to good franchising practice and will be presented by leading professionals in the franchise sector.The course covers subjects including: managing a franchise operation, managing relationships with franchises, establishing new sites or regions and ensuring quality customer service, plus many more.
“Franchising is about working for you, not by yourself -- and the FCA is determined to help support people in franchising by providing quality, best practice learning resources. This Diploma is just one of a suite of educational initiatives we promote to get the best out of the sector -- a $130 Billion sector providing the turbo charge to the national small business engine”, Mr Wright said.
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